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Re: Electrical Strangeness

Check the bearings on the fan motor when the engine is cool and see if there is any play.  This eventually caused a string of blown fuses before I 
figured out what was wrong and twice I had to park it to figure out what was wrong.  Don't forget, in an emergency you can use your heater core to help 
keep things a little cooler now that the temps are dropping.


On 10/01/97 13:08:20 you wrote:
>Dear All
>I have a 81 Coupe and recently, the electric radiator fan has been
>intermittantly not working. This has resulted in a couple of near-overheat
>situations and lucky I caught them intime and switched off the engine. On
>investigation, the fuse in the fusebox (25A) is fine but the area around
>the fuse has begun to melt a little. This melting has caused poor contact
>between the fuse and the fusebox contacts and thus, a break in the circuit
>causing the fan to stop. When I fiddle with the fuse, the fan starts
>Any ideas why the fusebox is getting hot ?
>Robert P. Tonge, PhD	       _____    _    ____    
>Health Sciences Building,     |_   _|  / \  |_  _|   rptonge@u.washington.edu
>Room H168, Box 357610,  	\  \  /   \  / /     	
>Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry,	 \  \/ /\  \/ /      Tel (206) 543-8503
>University of Washington,	  \   /  \   /       Fax (206) 685-3252
>Seattle, WA 98195, USA.		   \_/    \_/