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RE: new Audi A6

what are they nuts or somethin?  you can get an M3 for around 42 - 43k...
96 A4q

From: 	Dan Masi[SMTP:dan_masi@MENTORG.COM]
Sent: 	Thursday, October 02, 1997 3:04 PM
To: 	Vytautas Reipa; quattrO@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: 	Re: new Audi A6

On Oct 2,  2:19pm, Vytautas Reipa wrote:
> And I sure hope they introduce a version of the S4 here(not
> necessarily the biturbo) that would compete with the M3 Sedan.

>From what I understand, the S4's gonna be here in the US around
June or so, twin-turbo V6, and will sticker around $50k.

Dan Masi
'96 A4Q