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Re: No S4/S6!?!

> From: Ramana Lagemann <elmool@tiac.net>
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: No S4/S6!?!
> Date: October 4, 1997 8:56 AM
> > BTW went to see AoA yesterday to have it out once and for all on the S4
and S6.
> > Answer, we are not getting them for the forseeable future which is
through the
> > 99 model year. Not worth the trouble and not enough real yuppies out
there to
> > buy them in M3 quatities. They need to sell 10,000 to justify the
import and
> > market surveys say they will be lucky to sell half that number.  Yeah I
> > the list will but them all....fat chance!
> > 
> > BTW they will sell 20,000 S6 plus in Germany this year.
> Arrrrghhhh! (I don't have legit argument as of yet for the above
> statement-- I'm just fuming)

I don't know if I read from the newspaper were true..The newspaper several
weeks wrote that the S4 will come to Canada around June..Now, I know there
is no way that S4 going to sell 10000. but there are not not much REAL M3
in Canada too..I think maybe they will just import 2~3000 cars..
hmm...maybe I should put a deposit on S4 at the dealer soon