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RE: imperial (driving?) AFNAC guys'n'gals...

On Sun, 5 Oct 1997, Ian J Haseltine wrote:

> ----------
> From: 	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Phil Payne
> >Midnight on 15 February 1971.
> Whats the betting that once EMU is place Audi parts will still cost twice as 
> much in the UK than they do in Germany? 
Mmmmm, there must be something in that somewhere? Are prices across 
Europe supposed to be within a certain % of each other?
A case for the European Court? (Not that I agree that a court outside the 
UK should have anyting to do with us anyway, why can't they just fu#k off 
and mind their own business.....rant rant......)

Michael Burton
Systems Administrator, PA Data Design
4 Wheels - Audi Quattro			UK Audi Quattro Owners Club
4 Legs   - Dexter			He's a funky kind of horse
2 Legs   - Shanks Pony                  Last resort