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Re: That little button on the floor

> Hi all. I got in an argument with a friend a few days ago over what the
> little button on the floor behind the gas pedal in my 5ks and 5kcst(both
> auto) does. I said that it forces a downshift or delays an upshift,
> allowing the revs to reach close to the redline. I noticed that every time
> I press it, one of the before mentioned things happens. He says that it has
> nothing to do with the transmission. Who is right? And what does it really
> do? Thanks for any help.
I believe its primary function is to tell the A/C programmer head to not turn on the A/C for aobut 10-15 seconds.

I always thought an automatic in a turbo car was pretty stupid, but my friend's father's Saab 9000CDE turbo proved that
very, very wrong :)  That car is a rocket...very impressive for a little 4 banger that sounds like a sewing machine :)
