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Re: A4 Squeak

1.	Control arm bushing gone - need new control arm (common on early A4)
2.	Anti-roll bar bushing squeaks, new bushing P/N for very early cars

I'd bet on 1, since 2 only occurred on about the first couple of months of
A4 production as far as I recall, back in 1995 model year.  2 is something
that affected cars still in your vintage - at least here in Finland the
dealer/Audi will cover some of the costs if the warranty is expired AND the
car has been serviced @ Audi certified service centre(s).

Jouko Haaapanen

> From: kkleman@vanstar.com
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: A4 Squeak
> Date: 10. lokakuuta 1997 18:47
> Hi all,
> I have an '97 A4 1.8T Quatro and am getting very frustrated, maybe
> has been down this same road.
> Whenever I hit a bump in the road, especially depressions, I hear a
> from the front end of the car. I have had the car in for service three
> times now and still have not had any luck with getting rid of the squeak.
> As a matter of fact, the service manager keeps telling me that they will
> check it out each time I bring the car in for regular service. At this
> point I am getting very frustrated with the squeak. If I wanted to drive
> bucket of bolts that sounded like crickets every time I hit a bump, I
> have saved some money and bought a Hyundi !
> Sorry for the ranting,
> Karl