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Hot Fuel Pump Relay

In message <34439654.16D1@sprintmail.com> Jon Meckem writes:

> Thanks Phil,  I tried what you said and both the pump and the frequency
> valve worked according to your specs.  What has this told me?

Well, you complained of an intermittent problem - so the possibility of
an intermittent physical wiring fault still exists.  If it runs
reliably in diagnostic mode, then the ECU is disabling it deliberately.

The usual reason is that the ECU is not sure of the engine's position.
Pulling the codes after spinning the engine on the starter will tell
you more, but I would start to suspect the basic timing senders.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660