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Re: Hot Fuel Pump Relay

Phil Payne wrote:
> In message <34439654.16D1@sprintmail.com> Jon Meckem writes:
> > Thanks Phil,  I tried what you said and both the pump and the frequency
> > valve worked according to your specs.  What has this told me?
> Well, you complained of an intermittent problem - so the possibility of
> an intermittent physical wiring fault still exists.  If it runs
> reliably in diagnostic mode, then the ECU is disabling it deliberately.
> The usual reason is that the ECU is not sure of the engine's position.
> Pulling the codes after spinning the engine on the starter will tell
> you more, but I would start to suspect the basic timing senders.
> --
>  Phil Payne
>  phil@isham-research.demon.co.uk
>  Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660

Thanks Phil, I just replaced the timing sensors... no change. still no
power to fuse #13.  Are there any other timing components that could
effect fuse #13?
