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My Audi vandalized (very long!)

I had one of those days today that every car owner dreads. I was walking back
to my car and noticed two police cruisers and several people standing near my
car. At first I thought they were going to tow it or something (unpaid
parking tickets). As I got closer, I saw a lot of glass on the ground on the
driver's side. Some 16 year old delinquent liked the jacket in the back seat
and my $400 Sony CD player, so he threw a cement block through the driver's
side front window. Then he climbed in through the window, ripped the hell out
of the dash and center console to get out my CD player, and fled because a
guy saw what he was doing. The leather is pretty torn up on the front seats,
because the kid walked all over the seats covered in glass. My arm rest is
severely bent (looks like he used it as a seat while ripping the CD from the
dash). Luckily, a guy saw the kid and chased him down, and handed him over to
the police. My CD player and jacket were recovered, but there is a lot of
damage to the car. I am still unsure if the juvenile's parents have
insurance, so I may have to pay the deductible for the repairs. This also
means I do not have a rental yet. I have to take the car in for an estimate
tomorrow. I am worried that the insurance will not replace all the damaged
items. For instance, what can they do about the leather damage? How about the
badly nicked center console? I have a feeling that the insurance company will
pay for the window and thats it. Sorry for the rant!

'92 100S (66k)