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You're right the manual is confusing (and in some cases wrong/incomplete) about 
the operation of the GALA.  There should be some material in the FAQ/Archives 
about some of the discussions on the list.  Here are some tips off the top of my

1.  To turn GALA on: 
     a. push treble knob till it pops out
     b. pull it out one more click (manual does not mention this)
     c. turn clockwise to click on
     d. you can push the knob back in all the way, and GALA will stay on

2.  To actually see GALA functioning as you drive:
     a. Switch GALA on following the steps in #1 above
     b. switch the radio unit off
     c. keep radio button #2 pressed down and turn on the radio.  You will see  
        GALA 0DB if your car is stopped.  As you speed up, the readings will    
        change from 0DB up through 5DB and beyond.  This measures the speed     
        dependent volume adjustment (gain) in db.

Now that you see GALA working, you can fine tune it to your requirements.  There
are 2 adjustments you can make (volume and rate of gain?).  I don't recall the 
exact procedure for these adjustments.  The manual describes one (volume, I 

Hope this helps.
