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RE: Is It the SUV or the Driver?
Excellent. IMHO that about sums it up. Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pete Kraus [SMTP:Pete_Kraus@emory.org]
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 1997 02:57 PM
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Is It the SUV or the Driver?
> * SUVs enjoy great popularity among the current (non-enthusiast?)
> car-buying public.
> * SUVs frequently are driven poorly.
<snippety snip>
> Better
> to devote our energies to driver improvement than to work ourselves
> into
> a snit about the alleged unjustifiable popularity of a certain class
> of
> vehicles.
> Pete
> Pete_Kraus@emory.org