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Mods: The fray I was staying out of...until now, I guess:)

I have been away from the list for some months now, more because of work than anything else, but just like home---things don't seem to change much, both for the good and bad.

I guess since sides get taken quickly here, I had better put a disclaimer up front:  I consider myself a friend of Eric's, Randall's, Scott's, etc.

I have ridden in Eric's car [couple weeks ago?] and, while I did not stick a thermometer down its throat or push a rubber gloved finger up its tailpipe, I can tell you the thing runs like a scalded-assed cat.  Now, obviously, this "fast" talk is all relative.  Will the car run with a new 911tt?  Nope.  But, by the same token, what will?

My real question though, is this:  Why is it that anytime someone pushes the envelope in one of these cars do we have to know every little detail RIGHT NOW?  Could it be that Eric is justifiably enthused about a work in process?  Patience is a virtue my friends.  Give it some time, if it all works out in the end, then you get the info.  If it blows up and causes the garage to collapse on Eric, well, those who wish can sing the "I told you so" mantra. I do know this though, I told Eric to get me 1 of whatever he put on the car.  Guess I fu*ked up though, huh?  I mean, if the math doesn't work out, it can't be as good as it felt.  Course, everytime I see a bumblebee [scientific spelling?] I tell 'em "hey, what are you doing, you can't fly!!"  

Peace boys,
