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FW: Warning: Light thread ahead!
Just to be clear - the Wagner 9004 BL's of which Mike speaks are the
Xenon bulbs.
> ----------
> From: Mike Arman[SMTP:armanmik@n-jcenter.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 27, 1997 11:36 AM
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Warning: Light thread ahead!
> >
> >Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 07:02:54 -0700 (MST)
> >From: Ralph Poplawsky <ralphp@cellport.com>
> >Subject: RE: Light Kit *&$%#@...
> >
> >David:
> >(snip)
> >Anyway, I am interested in learning more about these Xenon bulbs.
> Are they
> >better than the 55/100W halogens that I am running?
> >Thanks:
> >Ralph Poplawsky
> Ralph, be careful with high wattage lights if your HL reflectors are
> made
> of molded plastic - they'll melt!
> About the most you can get away with in the US spec "Aero" lights is
> 60 or
> 65 watts - more can fry harnesses and melt plastic. (Or so I've been
> told,
> by several more or less reputable sources).
> If you start or fear running into melting and warpage problems (and
> catch
> it in time), I'd suggest a set of Wagner 9004 BL (bright light) bulbs
> from
> your local NAPA store....