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Re: Engine physics - who cares?

>From: "Lawson, Dave" <dlawson@ball.com>
>ur-q Phil writes:
>>C'mon, guys.  Take it private.
>It isn't speculation as you state, what has occurred is a 
>numerical dissection of the operation of a turbocharged
>Audi 5 cylinder 2 valve engine. I would guess that there
>are interested parties reading this exercise and learning
>how their Audi's work? Maybe I am wrong, but I for one
>like to know what is going on under my hood and I think
>others have an interest in it too. 

ABSOLUTELY.  Pardon me for shouting.  This thread has been _far_ more
educational than many in recent weeks.  Scott and Dave's math have given me
a much better understanding of why the turbo and certain mods do what they
do (of some importance to me, with two turbo cars in the garage)

Yes, we've got a few personality quirks in here, some personal slams as
well (in some cases, well deserved, IMHO).  So?  This is the
Internet--historically an area of free exchange of ideas, emotions, and
more.  Get past the personal stuff, there's some great knowledge to be
gleaned from these posts;  evaluate and use as you want/need.  We're all
grown boys and girls here--if it's not of interest, delete the message, or
skip to the next message in the digest.  Granted, Phil and others pay by
the byte, and I apologize if I minimize that issue--i'm afraid i can't
offer a solution if that is your only option  (yes, please trim responses,
to many others)

Scott, Dave (and Dan)--this is the stuff I really enjoy on the list.  Don't
let it get pushed aside by the wants of a few.  

just 2 pennies
* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa                                                  *