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Re: 85 ur-q engine woes.
> Can anybody cast some wisdom at the following?:
> Symptoms: engine runs smoothly up to 4-4500rpm then starts hesitating
> and won't rev higher on full throttle.Back off to part throttle and
> hesitation is reduced and revs climb higher but not much power.
> Action: Paul Timmerman pointed me to Ned Ritchies excellent tech tip
> page at
> http://www.intendedacceleration.com/html/tip2.htm
> that deals with engine cut-out above 4000rpm. Checked the air temp
> sensor with an ohmmeter and got correct reading. Checked the idle switch
> and found a faulty reading until I put in an external earth to the
> switch.
> Result: Now the engine revs to 5500rpm reluctantly but power seems to
> drop off dramatically over 4000rpm and there is still a trace of
> hesitation.
> This is all with a healthy boost reading of 13-14psi by 4000rpm using
> Pauls adjustable boost control. Without the kit I get the same
> symptoms, about 10psi on the guage and a bit less power.
> Should this engine really run out of puff so quickly above 4000rpm?
> What should I check next?
> How do I test the Fuel frequecy valve as Ned suggests?
> The car has had all it's services at Audi since new, most recent about
> 5000km ago but I told them about the problem last time and they didn't
> fix it.
> Any suggestions appreciated!
> Steve Adams
> Bahrain.
I have seen this caused by dirty connections at the ECU.They may not
look corroded but if you look closely you will see a gray film that can
be removed with a small scraping device (flat bladed screwdriver)also
disconnect the battery and take a wire brush to the socket on the wire
harness(it is very important to disconnect the battery as power is there
even with the key in the off position.)
good luck turbo
turbo@steel city.net