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Adjustable suspension system...except Koni...


Can anyone suggest a on-car adjustable suspension system for a Audi
200T (1990)? I've looked at Koni and I've been quoted US$1000 (excl.
fitment costs) for a set of 4 shocks  and springs. I know there are
some other good adjustable suspension and also ride height adjustable
system out there. I'd like to know what is suggested and perhaps
where I can go a-looking on the net for information on them. Anything
less expensive than Koni would get my attention. :)


"a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
name   : gerard van vught
tel    : +27-57-912 2658 (w) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
url    : http://www.acenet.co.za/homepages/gerard/
e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com  / han.solo@galaxycorp.com
         gerard@acenet.co.za / van_vught@frg.issi.co.za