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Seeking auto to stick info
>From: Toshiaki Yoshino <njrs1@best.com>
>Subject: Seeking auto to stick info
>Hello everyone,
>today I went to the junk yard and picked up a fivespeed from and '86 along
>with two axle shafts, flywheel, brake/clutch pedal assembly, shifter,
hydrolic line for >the clutch and an exhaust down pipe. It looked like
theese would be all I'll need for a >swap into an '84 5000s ... did I
forget something? Pilot bearing
>and rear crank seal I'll buy new, It seems that I already have a wiring
>connector for the back-up sw. The hole through the tunnel looks different
and it looks that it would need to be cut wider for the new boot.
Sounds like you got about everything you need. Speedo cable? Hydraulic
resevoir on top of brake master cylinder (unless they're the same except
the outlet for the clutch master is capped on auto-tranny cars.)?
Now lessee - you'll need two big washers that go under the wheel nuts
(hubs), R & L, and if you even think you might need a rack, NOW is the time
- I just spent some miserable hours changing mine (86 5K), and it will be
MUCH easier with the engine and tranny out of the way - like one easy hour
vs 5 miserable hours. Rack is $150 or so from Jorgen, 1-800-333-0600 (sound
like you're a dealer to get this price), lifetime g'tee, not affiliated,
but happy customer! R&R instructions also in archives.
Also, I'd think strongly about getting new clutch master & slave cylinders
- these last about 10 years and are a common failure item. I paid about
$130 for the pair from European Auto (phone in vendor list). These seem to
be unrebuildable even though the repair kits are available. I've rebuilt
hundreds of master & slave cylinders over the past 30 years, but met with a
total lack of success on these Audi parts, even after three tries! Not sure
why no luck (cyl bore worn oval? rebuild kits incompatible with brake
fluid?), but new parts cured these problems for good. Flush out the little
rubber hydraulic line while you're at it.
Did you get the leather shift boot and plastic surround? When the Audi
dealer told me that the leather boot was $187, I asked them if they were
throwing out the rest of the cow. Cost: $3.00 in parts yard.
Other hints - (general) - take your time, don't work after dark, wash your
hands frequently, take notes on what you've disconnected and where it goes
back. Have brake fluid, anti-freeze and pentosin on hand so you don't spend
all day running after stuff. Don't rush. Use jack stands, not cinder
blocks. Be careful. Have fun.
When you are (finally) done (are Audis EVER finally done?), you'll really
enjoy the conversion.
Best Regards,
Mike Arman