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Re: Spec for Dist. bolt
Well, It is almost thanksgiving :-)
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Subject: Spec for Dist. bolt
Author: achoeypatkul@hqfaus01.unicef.org (Amnat Choeypatkul) at Internet
Date: 11/4/97 11:49 AM
Hi Q-Listers (& Bill Brace),
My '89-90 (non-q, auto) has been making tapping noise (someone said its
sound likes a turkey) under the hood--from the distributor area. I'm
thinking about taking the distributor out & clean it up--by fishing out
the "mushroom" bolt which holding the distributor to the block.
Could anyone of us--who'd BTDT, pls give me some hints on the spec &
size of this bolt. (Bill, do you still remember the spec/size of this
bolt? I'd like to get the bolt before I start fishing it out--because
I have no second car nor bicycle, and the nearest "Pep Boys" is about 2
'89-90 non-q (70+K miles w/ a turkey under the hood)
Internet: achoeypatkul@unicef.org