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weather was:Re: Dead Ur-Q ; Electrical

ptimmerm@mashtun.JPL.NASA.GOV wrote:
> >     Changing the alternator ($70! rebuilt) in the office car
> >     park (with hardly any tools) in 6" of snow and -15C was the most
> >     unpleasant job I have ever performed on an Audi, truly a bonding
> >     experience.
> >
> >     Gotta love Canadian winters, regards, Mike
> At last, the real reason for owning a quattro is sunny southern
> clifornia has come to light, so that you can enjoy the weather!
> ... from under the car, under the dash, under the hood, etc....
> paul t-   ;-)

Hey, it misted a little bit here in Santa Cruz (Bay Area CA.) Can't
really call it rain, but it brought all the old oil to the surface of
the road. Got the "Beast" to slip one wheel jest a leeeeetle bit and
also got a few ABS pulses too. I was just driving fairly sedately. Kinda
fun. Scary to think about all the 2wd no ABS cars out there though.
'91 200 tq