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Re: Oil Filter Chat.....

Subject: Re: Oil Filter Chat.....

>You might check locally to see if there is an Amsoil dealer with an 
>oil filter display you can see.  These are a common sales tool, and 
>they are a mounted cut-away oil filter which lets you see that 
>the filter material in the Amsoil unit is about 1 inch thick all the 
>way around.  That's impressive.

One inch thickness of filter material may look impressive for cleaning
the oil but what about flow rate.  Remember, in a full flow filter
system, surely the Audi system is full flow, all the oil leaving the
pump and flowing to the items needing lubrication must pass through the
filter.  If the filter presents enough restriction to allow the bypass
valve to open the filter is worthless.  Or, if the bypass doesn't open
there may be oil starvation.  Thicker isn't necessarily better, surface
area and pore size are.  IMHO the thick filter display is just another
marketing ploy common to this company.

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