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Dead Ur-Q ; Electrical

In message <TCPSMTP.> frankbauer@thevine.net writes:

>> And I've just climbed out of the bath after changing my timing belt.
>> ...
>> I've been lying on my back in rain, oil and old coolant for seven hours
> how did the wife get home from work?


Actually, Roger Galvin came and oozed sympathy and advice for an hour or
two, and took a great load off me by ferrying my kids to their various
parties in his nice 'new' shiny V8.  Then he drove me to the Area K

Shifting the crankshaft bolt (using a #2084 and a _HUGE_ Sykes Picavant
torque wrench) was _incredibly_ easy - probably the easiest fastener of
the job.  But it's amazing how much you have to strip the MB to get
at the front of the engine.

It's done, however, and has completed a 10-mile trip to take back the
exchange water pump and bed everything in.  It seems to be running
rich, so it's possible I fixed an air leak somewhere - all the damn
hoses (and the intercooler) had to come off ...

My life was saved when I discovered that I'd replaced the intercooler
before torquing up the bumper retaining bolts, by a 17mm Langline
wrench.  Magic devices.  I will now buy a complete set.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021