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Re: Re: For Sale: 5000 CS Turbo Quattro

At 3:00 PM -0600 on 11/8/97, STEADIRIC@aol.com wrote:

> 11/7/97 7:06 PM brett@arthur.malebolge.com
> >SCUZE ME?  I don't think so.
> >Heated mirrors, yes, but heated washer nozzles?  Please.
> >This must be the model with self-leveling, xenon headlights!
> >(phhhbbt)<Brett breaks out laughing>
> Sorry guy.... 1988 Q's had heated washer nozzeles.
ok, ok, so I feel stupid now.

I want one.  Runing lines from the rear-window defogger shouldn't be too
hard; I assume the wiring is fairly straightforward?

Then I can brag about my heated washer nozzels.

How useful are they, really/honestly?

Hmm..If I go with that, I'll have to retrofit lock deicers as well :)
(THAT would be useful.  Stupid locks kept freezing up until I finally got
disgusted and completely dissassembled the entire locking mechanisim,
including tumbler.  There was all sorts of crap in the tumbler, but I fixed

Anyone who's seen the lock deicers know how they work?  Is it just a
"jacket" that wraps around the tumbler?  How easy would it be to kludge?

'87 5kCST that needs more gizmoes

Brett Dikeman
dikemanb@stu.beloit.edu dikemanb@edison.ma.ultranet.com
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