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Re: 1992 100s questions...

Jeffrey J. Goggin wrote:
> My father is looking at a 1992 100S that's for sale locally (45,800 miles;
> pearl white/grey cloth; asking $13,400) . . . I would appreciate
> any input about them...

I bought my '92 100CSQW practically off the boat after years of VWs
(six) and Volvos (you don't want to know how many).  I will never drive
anything other than a quattro again (okay, it's hard to imagine).  My
current dilemma is whether to buy one of the last new A6QWs, wait for
the new ones in '99, or grab an A4Q Avant.

Or stay put.  I have no '92 100 FWD experience, but my '92 QW is closing
in on 190K and has been wonderful overall, if a little quirky.  There
was a semi-secret tranny fluid-level check related recall in '94 or so
(semi-secret because I had to tell my dealer, and some other '92 100
owners I've met over the years also were unaware).  Dash bulbs burn out
a little quicker than I'd like, but that may be a product of the unpaved
road driving I do.  I am on my fourth engine check display unit (two
replaced gratis by Audi, we shared the cost of the third).  Fuel pumped
went south at 115K, ambient temp gauge illumination at 155K, and the
radiator was replaced at 180K.  Brake wear has been very reasonable. 
The engine is a brick, but has recently begun to use some oil.  Better
gas mileage than at 100K.  One direct hit by a deer, two close
encounters.  I love the car.