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Re: More Exhaust

Shane Allen Snyder wrote:
> Any good methods for
> pinpointing the leak?  I can hear it, but I can't really see it.  
> I suppose the leak could be between the front and rear section 
> Any thoughts?  Catalytic converter suggestions?

Dear Shane, 
it seems to me that you should go underneath to check ! 
Just put the beast on ramps/jack stands (when engine cold) and start the
engine. Make sure that the car is properly supported. The exhaust wont
heat up too much in the first couple of minutes which gives you enough
time to locate the leak by touching the area. I would check the
connection front/back of the Catalytic converter. If the rings are
damaged( mostly because of engine movement >>> Motor Mounts ???) between
the exhaust manifold downpipe and the CC and on the other side, you
should be able to feel the flow of the fumes. See if the exhaust is
moving/might need some new hangers. Use same "touch and feel" method for
the rest of the exhaust. 
You can also gut the Catalytic converter if it is already out. This will 
prolly help with the backpressure problem. 
						GOOD LUCK !!!
						Zaf in Det / 86 4KSQ 
							& bent Ronals