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Re: Deer-proofing an Audi

>  Anyone out there with experience with those deer whistle's I've seen?

A friend gave me a set of two a couple three years back.  We get a lot of
deer wandering into the headlights here in NH in the spring and fall.  This
sort of observation is purely anecdotal, of course, but I did hit a deer
once prior to having them.  Jumped right out in front of me, I almost
managed to miss it.  Now I have one on my coupe and one on my truck
(whistle, not deer)

What I notice, maybe just because I'm looking for it, is that wildlife in
general tends to just sit still instead of making a break for it.  A group
of deer on the side of the road, which in the past would have bolted in
unpredictable directions at an unpredictable time, will now just stand
there, then turn and amble into the woods.

Cats still try to play "beat the clock" with your tires.

So IMHO, they work.  But you still shouldn't be driving in such a way as to
come over  a hill or around a corner so fast you will hit what you couldn't
see.  I worry a deer will hear the whistle, freeze in the lane, and
kabsploot! when I 'round the corner (or crest the hill).

just my .02
