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Deer-proofing an Audi

Sorry to hear about your encounter with a deer with your Audi.  I have
deer whistles on my truck, my wife insisted I put them on to protect
"her truck".  More than once I have driven very close to deer that
seemed to be completely oblivious of the whistles.  I am in agreement
with the reports that say the whistles don't work.  From experience I
feel the only way to avoid deer is good lights and drive cautiously.
Unfortunately Audis and driving cautiously on twisty roads are hard to
put together.   I would also advise against taking the ditch to avoid a
deer.  I don't like killing and maiming animals either but the odds of
killing yourself are much higher if you leave the road in an attempt to
avoid the deer.  BTW: in Colorado you can claim the venison from a deer
you have hit, if you are into game meat.

If you don't care where you are, you ain't lost.

>Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 14:00:19 -0700
>From: "Horch, August" <Horch.August@tci.com>
>Subject: Deer-proofing an Audi

>Coming home from Fort Collins on Friday night, enjoying some spirited
>driving on one of the few twisty roads in Colorado, I came up over a
>hill doing about 60 & find a poor Doe standing right in the middle of
>the road.  I hit the brakes and dove for the ditch.  The doe, of
>ran straight for the car; I hit the doe & the ditch at about the same
>time.  I'll save you the gorry details, but there isnt' much left of
>Audi or deer (altho the Audi made it home afterwards...)  :-(  Anyone
>out there with experience with those deer whistle's I've seen?  Do they
>really work?  Any favorite brands?  I really don't want to be
>responsible for the loss of anymore animal life.  Many thanks.

>- -August