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caution on buying used Audi
Amid flying large animal damage and failing timing belts, there comes yet
another item that should be checked before laying out your hard cash for
a used Audi. I speak, of course, of hood (bonnet) damage... but I'm
getting ahead of myself.
A few days back, while sitting mid-morning reading the LA Times in my
suburban, southern California living room, I glanced out the window and
noticed my collage-student neighbor having an earnest discussion with his
young, blond girlfriend, who happened to be sitting on the hood of her
Audi 4000cs... Jeez! I thought, doesn't anyone give a damn about their
car anymore? At that point neighbor boy walked up to YBGF and gave her a
big, warm hug. Ah, young love.
I glanced up a few minutes later and was shocked to see them, ah, er...
well, lets just say he "knew her" in the biblical sense of the word.
Right there. On the Audi hood. In broad daylight. Ah, young love
So fair warning fellow Audites... Considering a used Audi? Check the
fit on the hood. You just never know who's been screwing around with it.
Al Gressler
(91q20v, wife's but I'm willing to help polish the hood)
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