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>I remember always being warned that deer will just stand there and stare
>at your headlights. So, if you're in a situation where you need the deer
>to move (no way to steer around them), would it be enough just to turn off
>your headlights?
We're talking Audi headlights here. Don't bother turning them off...the
deer prolly couldn't tell the difference!
Speaking of deer, I saw one get nailed last Friday. Car directly in front
of me hit it a glancing blow at about 60. Deer dropped into the center of
the two lane road, and I went around it at speed. I *think* the deer was
hurt rather than killed, and the car that hit it continued on. Didn't seem
to be heavily damaged. I then called the state police...didn't think to go
back and check on the animal...it would have been a dangerous place to do
so anyway (dark, high speed turn).