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Quattro...how i engoy it in Florida

We never get snow down here in Florida, so I've never had the chance to run
my CQ in a severe traction limiting situation.  But we have had 2 days of
rain here in Orlando, and everyone on the road is driving slow and you can
tell they are all a little scared of the foul weather.  Then they see a red
streak in their rear view, it approaches, and passes at high speed….no a
worry about the rain.   I love days like this, I speed along feeling secure
and in control (the Audi slogans aren't BS!).   I was traveling pretty darn
fast on my way into work today, and it felt great knowing I have Quattro.  I
would never drive like this in our 318tiwith traction control, that car's
handling can't be trusted I've learned.  I would even be worried about
driving our '90 90 at these speeds in the rain.

I recently took the BMW to a local CURVY road near my house where you can
fully explore your car's handling and limits. I took Dave Head out on this
same road in his 5KCSTQ and he loved it.  My car can hit these curves at high
speeds with grace.   I took the 318ti there and oversteer city!  The rear end
swung out on the first tight curve, I was able to handle it, I just turned
the wheel and lifted off the throttle and it snapped back in place.
  Overall, I did the curves about 10mph slower than in my CQ.  Man I love

I have a feeling none of you will disagree with me…
