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RE: "Outside Temp" adjustable?

 # >The outside temp display on my 89 100q also behaves erratically.  It is
 # >somewhere between 10 and 15 (F) degrees off at all times.  Strangely
 # >enough it comes closer to reality in cold rather than hot weather.
 # Audi's (as well as other cars) have the outside temp sensor on the
 # firewall, thus within proximity of your exhaust manifold, typically giving
 # an innacurate reading.
... actually the 100Q is likely to have the same configuration as the 5kCSQ,
which has two sensors ... neither mounted on the firewall per se.  One sen-
sor is mounted behind the grille just to the left of the radiator cut out 
(as viewed from the front of the car) and the other is mounted in the shelf 
behind the firewall, near the fresh air door (near the passenger's side 
front quarter panel).  The CC controller receives input from both sensors 
and uses them to decide what it thinks the outside temp is.  Using the 
built in diagnostics you can read the values of each sensor.  This is all 
fairly well described in the Bentley ... and I typed a good bit of it in 
a few years back and posted it.  I wish I had time to put it in a form to
make it more accessible from the web page (a la IBMWR home page).  There 
were subsequent postings that described where a replacement thermistor 
could be obtained for pennies on the AoA dollar ...

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)