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igor sez:
>The reason why I do all repairs on my cars myself is not so much saving
>some dough, but because I'd rather get my fingers dirty and spend a
>weekend in the cold garage wrenching, than die of a heart attack by the
>age of 40, while dealing with our *friendly* car service.
hear, hear!
i made this same decision more than 5 years ago.
as i was leaving a vw dealership after nearly strangling an ASE
certified mechanic who butchering a bearing housing, i was considering
backing into their plate glass window.
i decided that i had no business near a dealership service bay.
this summer i brought some press work to a vw/audi dealership and they
were incapable of attempting to perform the work.
i guess i was right...
ps - it takes me less time to do it right myself than to ride someone
else's butt until it gets done correctly.
to: IN:four_rings@juno.com
cc: IN:quattro@coimbra.ans.net