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RE: "Out Of Fuel" warning lamp...progress, I think...

Sometimes it is possible to feel the pulses at the steering, but it's
noticeable when turning the steering wheel at standstill or low speed
(when the load at the power steering systems is highest). I doubt if it
could contribute to the "wobbly steering" feel when driving straight at
high speeds, as the power steering has little to do in these conditions.
Personally I've never experienced any steering problems related to the
dead bomb, though (and yes, I have a dead bomb, too :-( )

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Gerard [SMTP:gerard@poboxes.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, November 19, 1997 1:17 PM
> To:	Aleksander Mierzwa
> Cc:	quattro list
> Subject:	Re: "Out Of Fuel" warning lamp...progress, I think...
> > 3) Smoothen the pressure fluctuations generated by the PS pump (the
> pump
> > has pistons inside, that's why you feel the pedal shudder when the
> bomb
> > is bad)
> Since these 2 things are linked together in this manner, could a
> faulty bomb be the cause of shakey steering even when the brakes are
> not being applied? I get wobbly steering at about 80-120km/h,
> worse when applying the brakes at those speeds.
> G.
> -- 
> "a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
> 1990 Turbo (200T)
> name   : gerard van vught
> tel    : +27-57-912 2658 (w) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
> url    : http://www.acenet.co.za/homepages/gerard/
> e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com  / han.solo@galaxycorp.com
>          gerard@acenet.co.za / van_vught@frg.issi.co.za