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RE: 4kq 4000rpm cutout

  I'll buy what Ian says regarding the 4k cutout usually associated with
the air
intake temp sensor _IF_ the car in question is a Ur-q, or possibly other
  However, Dan drives 4kq's with the NA I5 motors, and therefore doesn't
an air intake temp sensor.  The only cutout that I'm familiar with is
caused by
the wrong feul pump relay, thus lowering the rpm cutout.  But Dan said
jumpered the fuel pump when the relay died.
  Any other suggestions to Dan's current car problem?  I don't think
we've found
the cause or solution yet...


Stott Hare
Application Developer
Policy Administration Team


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Ian J Haseltine [SMTP:Jim_Haseltine@classic.msn.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, November 19, 1997 6:21 PM
> To:	Hare,Stott (X); Dan Simoes; quattro
> Subject:	RE: 4kq 4000rpm cutout
> ----------
> From:   owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Dan Simoes
> >hesitation/power loss/sputtering
> >at about 4k rpm in 3rd and 4th gear
> I've always blamed mine on a bad soldered connection on the inlet air 
> temperature probe 'cos after I resoldered them the 4k problem
> disappeared.
> Jim Haseltine
> 88 Ur quattro