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Re: Insurance

The point here might just be moot on the Euro-lights.

My insurance company just appraised both my broken US spec headlights at
$432 incl. an amount for install.
I am getting the Euro-lights for $350 and installing them myself....net
cost even with $100 deductable is going to be
$18 plus shipping on the lights from California...the US lights are
actually more money.

As far as a bona-fide appraisal....good luck..this isn't as easy as it
sounds from a "regular" insurance company, and your car will
be re-appraised after the accident anyway...ie: you're wasting your
time....if there is a loss you can have it appraised at that time.  Also,
if you do performance modifications you will be sure to be paying a higher
rate...but if you don't tell them, they are not obligated to pay.

How do I know?  Ask me over our next beers Ian.  I've insured many classic
cars and in addition to fighting my own battles with insurers, I've helped
friends out.

Paul Royal
90 90MolotovQ20v