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Re: Exhaust size and free power.
On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, Janet Scruggs wrote: (well, actually, Gross...)
> What you guys are getting perilously close to is called Ejector Theory.
> diameter. For an Ejector the gains are greatest when a specific
> relationship between primary stream mass flow and secondary flow area is
> met.
Also, the additional flow does not come from the primary fluid flow, but
from the ejector nozzle. We want to increase the flow of the primary
fluid (the exhaust gas) so I really don't think ejector theory would
apply in this case.
I suggested ejector theory for our HVAC outlets on the Cadillacs,
but although it offers the promise of increased airflow to the passenger, it
has a few negative effects on HVAC performance.
> for more information on this topic constitutes sufficient cause for instant
> membership into the Nerd Club.
Ahhh, jeez, now you tell me. I'm _not_ a nerd, OK? :-) Gearhead maybe...
Graydon D. Stuckey