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speed freaks and slow learners

     Was cruising the archives and found Ti Kan's reference to the driver
caught once at 198 k/h, then at 159 k/h (who was asked to pay $1,700 in
fines.)  Remembered a news article I read in the BudaPest Times (sometime in
1996).  The Hungarian Police had a "saturation day" (as they call them in
Missouri).  They gave out a massive number of speeding tickets, a significant
proportion to Austrians and other German folk who were accustomed to no speed
limits on interstates.
     Several were caught multiple times.  One Austrian got SIX tickets in the
two day period.  Wonder if he learned to stay at home?
     Not much chance he was driving an Audi.  They are one of the favorite
targets of the "Bulgarian" car theft rings that operate in eastern Europe,
particularly Hungary.