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another no wanna start

Seems to be a rash of these, might be a sign of winter coming on.

Anyway, my 87 4ks 1.8lt 4 cyl. does not like to start anymore.
It starts a little better when the engine is warm, but it is still 
anything but easy.  It is always a question as to whats going to 
happen first, car start or battery die.  When the car finally fires, 
it only needs to fire once, it starts and runs perfectly.

The facts-

Replaced the fuel pump yesterday - no help (quieter but not better)
injectors- all spray a nice cone- put on new seals
cold start injector- works fine
removed the filter in the banjo bolt- was plugged, thought this was 
         the problem, but alas didn't help
new distributor cap and rotor, new plugs (spark as the engine is 
can't find any vacumn leaks

HELP- whats next, or what should I recheck.
