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re: <Audi> Help! Intake leak

You wrote:
....<<What else should I check?  Wastegate?  Or could I have blown the
intercooler?  I checked the intercooler to see if I had blown off the side
tanks, but visual inspection and yanking at them didn't reveal any
weaknesses.  The clips seemed to all be there.  I figured the tanks would
have physically moved, but is the normal failure more subtle?

I appreciate any help.  I need to drive this car for a 5-hour trip up to New
Jersey on Wednesday, so I've got to get it fixed ASAP..thanks!...SLM
Steve Manning>>>

*If the intercooler has failed, it will likely be leaking oil at the point of
*You can check for a torn wastegate diaphram by placing a hose on the WG
fitting and using a mitivac or equiv.  The WG sometimes gets stuck???? as I
vaguely recall....
*As always, check the error codes (procedure is in the archives).  If you
don't have a Bently, post the results here.
*Check your airbox; you may have popped it open.  Check out the air filter as
well; you could have a mouse or squirrel's nest in there, or in the inlet.
 Check all your hose clamps and vacuum hoses as well for splits, etc.
*As Phil says, pull the turbo to intercooler hose off and have a look for
metal shavings, or the nut off your turbo shaft.  Make sure that the turbo
moves freely.
*Do the vacuum test:  at idle, pull the dipstick.  Does the idle change, or
does it stall?  What happens if you open the oil filler cap?

HTH, Chris Miller, c1j1miller@aol.com, '91 200q