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Re: Maine Rally
The wife and I will be in Kennebunkport this weekend for a getaway
anniversary...what better thing to do than to spend all night watching a
night stage :)
Can someone point me toward a page with the location, times of the rally?
Based on previous emails, it looks like its this weekend...and I can
probably get lost enough on the way to/from dinner to get about 4 hours
north of Kennebunkport...then she starts to get suspicious :)
Lee Levitt
wheelman @ shore.net
Director, Systems Marketing, News Internet Services -
webmaster, NeedhamOnline - http://www.NeedhamOnline.com
1990 Audi 200T, 82K
1995 Range Rover County LWB, 60K
1987 Wicked Fat Chance, 1981 Condor