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re: Burned up headlight connectors
rlpplsky <rlpplsky@ix.netcom.com> writes;
>Does anybody know where I can get some headlamp plugs for my 9004s that
>won't burn up with the high wattage bulbs?? I have relays and 80/100w bulbs
>and snap on plastic headlamp covers which leave a space between themselves
>and the glass. I suspect what I would have less trouble with burned
>connectors if I took off the covers, but I would get broken lights for sure.
>Does anyone know of a connector assembly that can take the heat??
Yes, and no. I got a set of the high wattage headlamp connectors from
Competition Limited (they advertise in the back of AutoWeek)...burned up
several sets on a $aab 9000.
IMHO, the 9004 connector simply isn't robust enough to pass that much
current, and while you can replace the female side, the male (bulb) side is
weak too...
I eventually went back to low wattage and lousy lighting...and then I
swapped the car for the Audi. Talk about going from bad to worse (WRT
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Lee Levitt
wheelman @ shore.net
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1990 Audi 200T, 82K
1995 Range Rover County LWB, 60K
1987 Wicked Fat Chance, 1981 Condor