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Re: valet key question
Dick Miller writes:
> I tried to get an anwser from a key shop about Audi keys, but the right
> person wasn't there that day. If it's like VW keys the differance is in
> the thickness.
Things are not so simple. Some Audis and VWs do use common keys,
but both marques have changed key styles over the years. You must
match the key-style codes. On the factory key, the code is
engraved on the metal part of the key. On my 4000, the key style
is HV. On my 5KT and A4q, it's AH. On the latest Audis, they
have switched to a new style key where the edges are straight and
the center groove is variable...
96 A4 2.8 quattro
84 5000S 2.1 turbo
80 4000 2.0
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