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Bandwith Blathering
In message <34806AB9.3663@iname.com> Paul Kuettel writes:
> I put my 10 left thumbs to work on the projext, armed with Bentley and
> Haynes. Thanks to Haynes, I was prepared for the horn pad to *require
> quite an effort* to remove. If I'd only read Bentley I wouldn't have
> had the nerve to pull that hard. Once it came off and my body flew back
> into the seat, I discovered that I had already performed step 2:
> detaching the lead. From there all went fairly well, but neither manual
> detailed ALL the dissasembling that I ended up figuring out with
> frustration at feeling like a the dummy that I am.
Now spare a thought for the poor Brits (at least two on this list) who face
the task of carrying on where you stopped, and stripping out the _entire_
steering column and pedal assembly just to change the clutch master cylinder.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club