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WOT switch datapoint 4kq

Measured it yesterday and got 100k ohms. Not good. Used the Wolffmeister
trick of drilling an access hole in the cover rather than trying to get
it apart (well after trying anyway). This allowed me to spray cleaner
right on the contacts. Resistance becomes 20 ohms. Someone posted that
you need less than 4. I explored with a drill in the bottom of the
switch and found that the wires are crimped on, not soldered. Re-crimped
and got back another 2 ohms. Last big resistance was inside the 3 prong
connector at the end of the wire. Probably another crimp problem. Yanked
on it and got back the bulk of the remaining resistance. Down to about 2
ohms total now. Obviously a temporary repair, but wanted to let everyone
know that the switch contacts themselves are not the only possible
failure point.
'86 4kq with a little more power now.