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Re: Audi's ugliest car

Okay, I'll throw my hat in the ring on this one. In pictures I felt the new
A6 was rather ugly too. I went to the SF Auto Show a week ago Sunday. I was
very pleasently surprised by the A6. IMO far from "the ugliest Audi". (The
88-90 80/90 series of which I owned one of takes that prize.) I liked the car
overall...loved the boxster-ish tail lights. Really attractive in person,
pics do not do this car justice. 

The interesting part is that despite the A6 not being really that large...the
new A4 Avant was sooooo tiny that I took a double take standing next to the
A6 and thought it was an A3, though I knew we don't get them here. Actualy I
was quite pleased with the entire line-up and I'm sure they are still swabing
my drool off of all the new Audis shown at the SF show...LOL.

Nice to see there will be some nice used q's to choose from 10 years from
now...though I do worry about the continual addition of toys. Imagine what
these new ones will be like at the age of the 4k, 5k, and ur-q's we know and
love. More toys means more problems for those of us who like the old
depreceated ones. And to think I actualy once bought three of these things
new...thankfully I learned that lesson-the hard way. Was fun to look though.

Mike Veglia
87 5kcstq