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Re: NGK or Champion plugs?...(again)

New development in spark plug option. Anyone heard of something
called the BRISK Premium plug? It is a different design. From what
I see on the web on the local jamex website (www.jamex.com, but
Brisk is at goofy.iafrica.com/~anahrad) it looks as if it has no
electrodes. It does multi-sparking. Perhaps I should order a test set
and see what happens and let the qlisters know. First of all, anyone
heard of this thing?

"a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
1990 Turbo (200T)
name   : gerard van vught
tel    : +27-57-912 2658 (w) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
url    : http://www.acenet.co.za/homepages/gerard/
e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com  / han.solo@galaxycorp.com
         gerard@acenet.co.za / van_vught@frg.issi.co.za