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new to list and shopping for A4Q

Jimidoe (Scott?) Wrote:
>1) I am curious what other buyers have had to pay for a 2.8 in reference to
>the base msrp? (I am being told that it is 28,390 for 1998) I also found a
>website that claims the invoce base price is 24,944. Is this acurrate?

When they were backordered in Oregon, I got my 2.8L for $3000 or so under
MSRP, without even asking for it.  (That's just how that dealer works.)

>3) Has anyone installed a TAP chip on a 2.8? (a claimed 17 hp) How well does
>the car respond to that chip upgrade? Are there any other tuners who make 2.8
>chips that anyone has installed and would recommend?

If you want to tune it, get the turbo 1.8.  

>4) What about throttle body modifications or Cams? 

I don't think the throttle body mod can be done on the 30V, which is the
engine you'd get.  It was designed for the 12V, which is according to all
reviews much smoother but less powerful.  Dan Masi has had the the throttle
body done, and recently wrote me (with thanks and apologies to Dan if he'd
preferred I not repost this):

  >I tested the care immediately prior to and after the mod, 
  > and at that time, it felt slightly better in the low end, 
  > and timed *very* slightly better.  My gas mileage also 
  > improved by about 5%. I still think the car lacks a 
  > decent bottom end, though.

The archives seem to indicate that a new exhaust system will improve
performance on the 30V.

>5) How well do the heated seats work? Is the "all weather package" worth

The heated seats work well, and Liz loves them.  In my experience, it's a
feature that women love and men often don't care about.  I like some of the
other aspects of the cold weather package too, though.