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'98 A6 - Up close and personal

A friend of mine took delivery of a brandy-new 1998 A6 Quattro on Friday. I
saw it Saturday evening in his garage. I didn't get a spin in it (yet ;-)
but I did get to give it a pretty good look-see. He got navy blue (very
sharp!) with (I think) grey leather(?).

In the ads I had seen I really didn't care for the very rounded rear deck
lid. In person its not so pronounced. Up close I did really notice the
incredible slope of the roof into the back window though! Its practically a
45 degree angle! I'm not sure I like the "bubble" look.  The car came with
an 18" (or so) whip antenna on the left-rear quarter panel, apparently for
a car phone. I think its lousy that Audi puts the antenna on by default. If
you don't get their phone (and/or don't want to use their antenna) then
you're stuck with it. You can't remove it unless you want to fix the body
panel. Blech!

The interior is lovely. I noticed immediately the automatic/tiptronic
shifter. My friend is not really an "enthusiest". (I suggested he look at
Audi, and he bought one. Go figure). I asked if he'd tried it. He hadn't.
Of course, he'd only had the car a day! :-) I can't wait to try it someday!
 He mentioned that he has 2 remotes, each of which remembers a different
seat setting. Way Kewl!

It was hard to keep my jealousy in check... but I did. :-)

'94 90CS Quattro
Mark H. Granoff                                 Mark.Granoff@Software.com
      Software.com, Inc. - The Internet Infrastructure Company (tm)
                 91 Hartwell Avenue, Lexington, MA 02173
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