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Re: 98 A4 Climate Control

Mark Granoff writes:
>Any coolness you detect is negated by the fact that the AC compressor
>cannot be engaged when the outside temp is "too cold", or that you cannot
>engage the recirculate feature unless the AC compressor is on. At least,
>that's how mine works.
We had a thread on this some time ago where everyone complained.  But in
recent weeks my A4Q has been having an intermittant problem where the
outside temp display reads much lower than actual - haven't gotten to
take it to dealer yet.  Anyway, not much of an issue until the other
day when temps were in the low 50's and moist and I couldn't demist the
windows!  HOWEVER, I left the Climate Control on demist and noticed that
periodically, for short times, the AC (and indicator light) DID, in fact,
come on.  The controller must have more smarts than we thought - it tries
to protect itself from a frozen evap. coil, yet still does its best to
demist for its customers (ahhhhh).

One for the Audi gods (given the exception that the outside temp. sensor
is broke).

-Mark Quinn