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RE: long distance repair
I've always been very satisfied with how quickly my 5KCST warms up. Even
at freezing temperatures, the climate control system starts blowing warm
air after couple of minutes. It never overheats in summer, though. On
the other side, my mother's Renault warms up very slowly, you have to
drive the car about 10 minutes to just see the needle climbing, much
longer if you keep it at idle (not good while it is -15 celsius right
now in Warsaw). And in summer it often runs very hot.
Both cars have functioning thermostats. Seems like Audi's cooling system
is much better designed. I wonder what makes various cars reach
operating temperature sooner or later. Is it possible that turbo has
much effect on heating the coolant?
Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Del Tergo [SMTP:mdeltergo@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 1997 8:23 PM
> To: dans@ans.net
> Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: long distance repair
> [...]
> 4 extremely cold running, check A) the thermostat is there, B)
> that
> it works, C) that coolant is no more than 50/50. If evrything checks
> run with cardboard in front of rad for these northerN NE temps.
> Waitsfield gets damn cold, had a oil filter back out on the UrQ there
> last winter, nothing quite like an oil change in sub zero temps before
> the windchill.
> Mike
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