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Re: I'm baaack...

I still have my quattro, its in the garage not been used much at the
moment, because I've blown an exhuast manifold gasket (or worse still
cracked the actual manifold). All the necessary gaskets should arrive at
my Country residence today, which is where I will be until the new year
once I get out of smelly London on GNER later today.

Sell ya Harley Ian, get an FZR1000 Exup, I was alongside my car at an
indicated 140 (handy these digital dash things, you can read them from
outside), and I opened the throttle on the bike and woooshhhhhhh, I'd
gone, mind you, the bike has a top speed of 170+ once you derestrict it.

Anyway, hope you all have a good Christmas and New year.


Michael Burton
Facilities Centre Manager, Demon Internet

On Tue, 23 Dec 1997, Ian J Haseltine wrote:

> I do own alternative motor transport, a Harley-Davidson SX175 but its in
> about 20 carboard boxes scattered around my loft and my garage.